Saturday, April 6, 2013

MEMORANDUM : Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) to United Nations

April 5, 2013
Mr Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General
United Nations
Members of United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
United Nations Office
Kuala Lumpur
Dear Sir,

We are deeply concerned about the repeated atrocities perpetrated by the Radical Buddhists, led by some racist monks, on Muslims in Myanmar. There are credible reports that inaction, and failure to provide necessary protection, by Myanmar’s security forces have led to massive destruction of Muslim lives, properties and places of worship.
There is a long history of discrimination against its Muslim citizens in Myanmar, beginning with the   Military Government in 1962. There has been recurring anti-Muslim riots in order to divert people’s attention away from political and economic problems faced by the government.
After the ruling government party lost heavily the by-election held on 1st April 2012, there were increased anti-Muslim activities throughout Myanmar. The terrorist 969 group led by the radical monk U Wira Thu has been spreading hate speeches against Muslims widely, poisoning the minds of ordinary Myanmar. They are behaving like Hitler’s fascists who spread hate speeches against the Jews.
Myanmar authorities and security forces have not only failed to curb such criminal activities but, on the contrary, have been colluding and co-operating with the terrorist group. Myanmar cyber-troopers led by the President’s Office Director Hmuu Zaw have been disseminating hate speeches and false propaganda news relentlessly.
Continuous propaganda and hate speeches against Muslims have led to serious Islamophobia in the ranks of the Myanmar population, turning some into ultra-nationalists and fascists. As a result, the situation has become so explosive that even a small incident like a traffic accident could ignite widespread riots against Muslims.
Since last April, terrorist groups have attacked and killed Muslims, and destroyed their properties and places of worships in more than two dozen places in various part of Myanmar. Myanmar government has taken no action against these perpetrators of genocide against Myanmar’s Muslim minority.
An urgent meeting of the UN Security Council should be convened to discuss the genocide and ethnic cleansing taking place in Myanmar and to pass a resolution under Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter directing the Myanmar Government to take the following action:
  1. Take effective steps to stop the violent attacks on Muslims and to prosecute the 969 group and its leader Monk U Wira Thu for inciting hatred, violence and terrorism against Muslims.
  2. Prosecute members of the security forces, government officials and politicians who have been colluding with the terrorist groups.
  3. Allow the Muslim IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) to resettle in their original places within one month and provide security against future terrorist attacks.
  4. Provide adequate compensation to enable the IDPs to re-build their homes and recover damages for all the losses they suffered.
  5. Provide adequate compensation to victims of terrorist violence and the families of those killed.
  6.  Rebuild mosques and other religious buildings that have been destroyed or damaged and ensure that they function without any interference from radical Buddhist groups, and local and central government authorities.
  7. Allow the stationing of UN peace keepers to protect Myanmar’s Muslim minority, victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
  8. Allow a special committee, to be set up by the UN Human Rights Council, to investigate the issue of denial of citizenship to Rohingyas.

Endorsed by:
Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM)
Citizens International (CI)
Universal Justice Network (UJN)
National Union of Islamic Student Organization (PKPIM)
2 April 2013 / 21 Jamadilawwal 1434H

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