Saturday, November 24, 2012

ARNO condemns the report of RFA

(24 November 2012)

ARNO condemns the report of RFA

Our attention has been drawn to the news report dated 21 November 2012 of the Radio Free Asia (RFA) Burmese Section stating “since November 19, frontier checkpoint supervising day-return visit between Maungdaw (Burma) and Teknaf (Bangladesh), has been closed from Burma side for an indefinite period as the abduction of 3 Burmese military`s General Engineering Unit was believed to have been done by Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO)”.
ARNO has no direct or indirect connection with the abduction of 3 GE Unit soldiers. We strongly condemn this concocted and politically motivated news aims at tarnishing the image of the ARNO. We demand RFA to clarify the source of the information.

Meanwhile, we reiterate that ARNO is a peaceful political organization that believes in the negotiated settlement of the Rohingya problem through peaceful means with the cooperation of the international community.

For details, please contact:

Nurul Islam: + 44 7947854652

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