Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"All You Can Do is Pray"

Crimes Against Humanity and Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya Muslims in Burma’s Arakan State 
Human Rights Watch
April 22, 2013 
This 153-page report describes the role of the Burmese government and local authorities in the forcible displacement of more than 125,000 Rohingya and other Muslims and the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Burmese officials, community leaders, and Buddhist monks organized and encouraged ethnic Arakanese backed by state security forces to conduct coordinated attacks on Muslim neighborhoods and villages in October 2012 to terrorize and forcibly relocate the population. The tens of thousands of displaced have been denied access to humanitarian aid and been unable to return home.

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On the trail of Myanmar's Rohingya migrants

24 May 2015  BBC News Malaysian authorities say they have discovered a number of mass graves near the border with Thailand.